Q: How do I know my package has shipped and is on its way?
A: Once you have placed your order you will receive a confirmation email. When your order ships you will receive a shipping confirmation email that includes tracking information, and it will be on its way to you. All packages are shipped USPS. If you use SHOP Tracking, you can keep up with the status of your order there.
Q: I accidentally selected local pick up at checkout but need my order shipped. What should I do?
A: If your order is over $50 (before taxes & discounts) please send an email to thecrew@loulouandcrew.com, including your order number, letting us know you will need your order shipped. If your order is less than $50 you will need to make up the difference of the $5.95 flat rate shipping fee. Please email support at thecrew@loulouandcrew.com including your order number, letting us know you will need your order shipped. Once the $5.95 fee is paid, we will ship your order and send the customer tracking.
Q: How do I change or cancel my order?
A: Pre-Order items cannot be cancelled after the closing date or after the TAT has started. For In stock items, We cannot make any changes to the contents of your order once it has been placed. We can cancel the order or remove an item as long as the order has not been fulfilled. Customers can then place another order with the correct size or color. To cancel your order or remove an item, please contact customer service at thecrew@loulouandcrew.com.
Q: What items are final sale?
A: Any item that is a final sale means that the item is non-returnable and cannot be returned for store credit or exchanged. These products would include headwear, earrings, and bodysuits. Final Sale items will also include any SALE items. No exceptions.